Author: John Watson

How To Cook Bonito Fish

When I first saw bonito fish at the local market, I recall thinking it would be sleek and shaped like a torpedo. I had heard of its fame in Japanese cooking, where it’s typically shaved and dried into flakes known as katsuobushi, which provides a base of umami flavor....

Savor the Flavor – Cocktail and Appetizer Pairing Tips

I recall the very first dinner party I’d thrown. I was a bundle of nerves with a desperate desire to impress. There I was, gazing in my kitchen at an endless supply of ingredients for appetizers and cocktails, clueless as a penguin in a desert. It was the moment...

Delicious Gluten-Free Pairings: A Celiac’s Guide

Since my doctor delivered the “C” bomb (celiac, not the other one), my life has been a never-ending game of “Will It Make Me Sick?” It’s similar to Russian Roulette with food, but less lethal and more… bloated. When I was initially diagnosed, I assumed my days of culinary...

How Long To Cook Skirt Steak In Air Fryer

If you’ve got an air fryer, you’re in for a treat when it comes to cooking skirt steak. It’s pretty straightforward: cook time and the right temperature make all the difference. You’re aiming for about 6-8 minutes on each side at 400 degrees Fahrenheit to get that steak just...

How Long To Cook Salmon In Ninja Air Fryer

Cooking salmon in your Ninja Air Fryer is easy and quick, but how long? First, you need to warm up the air fryer. Then, put your seasoned salmon in for about 10 minutes. The time might change a bit depending on how big or thick your piece of salmon...

Steak and Red Wine Selections

When I tried the steak with a strong red wine for the first time, I knew I had found my food match made in heaven. With the tannins dancing with the meaty flavors, a simple dinner turned into a waltz of food. It wasn’t just a meal. The event...

How To Cook Triggerfish – Recipe Included

As you begin to believe that triggerfish is just another fish in the sea, allow me to share a secret with you: this fish is the ocean’s hidden treasure. It’s a star in the kitchen because it can be used in many ways and has a mild flavor. To...

Salad and Dressing Combinations

Tell you the truth: I’ve loved salads since I was a little sprout. When I was just starting out in the kitchen, I found the magic in mixing salads and dressings. It was the “eureka!” moment that turned my ordinary meals into divine feasts. Now I’m going to preach...

How To Cook Braciole Without Sauce In Oven

Cooking braciole without sauce in the oven might sound daunting, but I’ve mastered this culinary adventure and am eager to share my insights with you. My journey into the world of Italian cuisine led me to this delicious dish, often drenched in sauce, but I’ve discovered the beauty and...

Exotic Cheese and Fruit Pairings

Since my taste buds were tantalized by the complicated dance of flavors at a charming Parisian fromagerie, I have been utterly enchanted by the world of cheese. Particularly, the exotic cheese pairing with fruit has become a kind of personal crusade. I can remember the time when a drop...

How To Cook Beef Tongue In A Slow Cooker

   ———-    When I first began researching how to cook beef tongue, I was about as skeptical as a kitty in an area of rocking chairs. But once I overcame my skepticism and went for it, my taste buds went on a joyride that people talk about at...

How To Cook A T-bone Steak In The Oven

Let me tell you a secret: I wasn’t always the sultan of sizzle I am today. There was a time when the thought of cooking a T-bone steak in the oven seemed as daunting as climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. But then, one fateful evening, with a hungry belly...

Healthy Snack and Drink Pairings

As a self-proclaimed snack aficionado, my quest for the perfect midday nibble has often felt like a scene from a comedy show. Picture this: me, standing in the kitchen, a carrot stick in one hand and a can of soda in the other, the look of utter disappointment painted...

How To Cook Already Smoked Turkey Legs

Each Thanksgiving, I sit down with a set of gleaming, smoked turkey legs that could make a vegetarian cringe. Last year, I discovered that reheating these babies is an art in itself. See, my very first attempt to revive smoked turkey legs ended up being much more of a...

Seafood and Citrus Pairing Tips

When I first laid eyes on a perfectly seared scallop sitting daintily atop a slice of ruby red grapefruit, I knew my culinary world was about to flip. You see, I’m not just your average seafood enthusiast; I’m a citrus-obsessed flavor chaser. The marriage of seafood and citrus didn’t...

How Long To Cook Venison Burgers

Every family gathering at my place has a tradition as sacred as the Thanksgiving turkey: the venison burger cook-off. It all started when my uncle, a seasoned hunter, challenged me to make a burger that could rival his decades of grilling prowess. Little did he know, I had a...

Food Pairings for Digestive Health

Every time I think back to the Great Bean Debacle of ’09, my stomach does a somersault. It was a dinner party that went down in personal history, where my attempt at a chili con carne turned into an epic tale of digestive woe. My guests and I learned...

How To Cook A Frozen Pork Loin

Have you ever stared into the icy abyss of your freezer, only to discover a frozen pork loin that’s been sitting there since the last time your in-laws visited? I certainly have. There I was, on a chilly Wednesday evening, with a growling stomach and a block of frozen...

Artisan Bread and Spread Combos

As a self-proclaimed connoisseur of all things kneaded and spread, my love affair with artisan bread began in the quaintest of French bakeries where the air was thick with the scent of sourdough and rye. There, nestled between the cobblestone streets and the whispers of bygone eras, I discovered...

How To Cook Imitation Crab Meat With Butter

As a self-proclaimed seafood aficionado, my journey to the perfect buttery delight began with a humble package of imitation crab meat. There I was, staring into the abyss of my refrigerator, when the mock crustacean called out to me, promising a quick yet sumptuous meal. It’s a curious ingredient,...