Category: Seafood Recipes

Peruvian Ceviche Variations

When I first stumbled upon the vibrant, zesty world of Peruvian ceviche, it was like my taste buds had won the lottery. Picture this: I’m sitting at a rustic table in Lima, the salty sea breeze playing with my hair, and in front of me is a dish so...

Salmon Belly Recipe: A Rich Seafood Delight

I still remember the first time I stumbled upon the treasure that is salmon belly. It was in a quaint little seafood bistro by the harbor, where the aroma of ocean freshness practically slapped me in the face as I walked in. The menu was a sea of options,...

Shrimp Oreganata Recipe: A Mediterranean Classic

Every family has that one legendary dish that appears at every gathering, as if by magic, to the collective delight of all present. In my clan, it’s the Shrimp Oreganata, a Mediterranean masterpiece that has, over the years, become the unsung hero of our culinary traditions. My grandmother, with...

Try this Flavorful Triggerfish Recipe

Have you ever found yourself staring at the seafood counter, feeling like you’ve tried every fish in the ocean? Well, let me tell you about the time I decided to break away from my usual salmon routine and stumbled upon the delightfully unique triggerfish. This peculiar-looking swimmer isn’t just...