Tag: homemade

How To Cook Honey Gold Potatoes – Perfect Recipe

The sweet, rich smell of honey gold potatoes has been drawing my family to the kitchen. They are the Fabio of potatoes because of their golden, sun-kissed color. Who wouldn’t fall in love with a potato that tastes and looks like Midas kissed it? I’m deeply in love with...

Salad and Dressing Combinations

Tell you the truth: I’ve loved salads since I was a little sprout. When I was just starting out in the kitchen, I found the magic in mixing salads and dressings. It was the “eureka!” moment that turned my ordinary meals into divine feasts. Now I’m going to preach...

How To Get Around Cottage Food Laws

When I first ventured into the world of homemade cookies and lemonade, I thought my biggest challenge would be perfecting my grandmother’s secret recipe. Little did I know, the real cookie monster was the tangled web of cottage food laws. As I navigated through this labyrinth, I discovered a...

Coconut Cake Recipe: Sweet and Satisfying

———- Take a tropical plunge into baking with this coconut cake recipe. This dessert is a crowd favorite—flourish layers with coconut—and it takes your palate on a vacation. You will mix the basic ingredients to make a moist, decadent treat for any occasion. Keep reading to discover how to...

Indian Vegetarian Food

As a self-confessed culinary adventurer who enjoys bold flavors, my journey into Indian vegetarian cuisine has been a love affair. I was hooked from the very first spoonful of spongy dal to the riot of colors in a tiny thali the size of an artist’s palette—a lot more like...

Steak Nachos Recipe: A Flavorful Appetizer

My game days have never been the same since I learned how much fun it is to mix two of my favorite foods, steak and nachos. It was a cool Sunday afternoon when I first decided to put some grilled, juicy steak on top of a mountain of crunchy...

Orange Tea Shot Recipe: Zesty and Refreshing

Have you ever found yourself staring into the abyss of your kitchen cabinet, hoping that the drink gods would send you a sign that would break you out of your routine? That was me last Thursday, going through a boring stack of tea bags and coffee grounds. However, the...

Michael Smith’s Herb-Roasted Potatoes

Let’s talk spuds, the unsung heroes of the dinner plate. Now, I’ve had my fair share of potato dishes – from the decadent Dauphinoise to the humble mashed – but nothing quite tickles my taste buds like a tray of Herb-Roasted Potatoes. These are not just any potatoes; we’re...

Crafting Blackberry Mead: A Homemade Delight

Ever since I stumbled upon the ancient art of mead-making, my kitchen has transformed into a whimsical laboratory of honey, berries, and the magic of fermentation. It all began one fateful autumn evening when I harvested an absurd amount of blackberries from my backyard. The sheer volume of these...