Tag: delight

Black Walnut Recipe: A Nutty Delight

When I first stumbled upon the black walnut, I must admit, I was a tad skeptical. This robust, earthy nut, with a shell harder than my determination to start a diet on a Monday, seemed more like a puzzle than a pantry staple. But as someone who prides themselves...

How to Cook Flanken Ribs: A Tender Delight Recipe

When I think back to family gatherings from my childhood, there was always one thing that brought us all together: a platter of sizzling, fragrant flanken ribs. I’ve always been amazed at how a simple cut of beef short ribs could be turned into a delicious feast that brought...

Crafting Blackberry Mead: A Homemade Delight

Ever since I stumbled upon the ancient art of mead-making, my kitchen has transformed into a whimsical laboratory of honey, berries, and the magic of fermentation. It all began one fateful autumn evening when I harvested an absurd amount of blackberries from my backyard. The sheer volume of these...

Okinawan Sweet Potato Recipe: A Tropical Delight

The purple Okinawan sweet potato has always fascinated me visually. A tropical gem hidden among the plain old tubers. It was more than a sight to see when I first tried this ingredient on a trip to Okinawa. It was a taste discovery for me – a sweet, nutritious...